Welcome to Famous Punjabi...!

/ Blog

The First Blog

by Shaminderjit Singh
November 24, 2013 – 4:21 am

So the first post of the blog section would be an update of what’s to come and what the team of Famouspunjabi is planning . This will be the blog section whereby i (Main Author) would be posting blogs on various topics . The blog will be featuring ideas , discussions and a platform where i will be jotting down my views . The response of the website so far has been good despite of changing the layout several times . i look forward to a much bigger response once the website is done . This is my first endeavor to run a proper full time website . In the future i think i would like to write something on the punjabi film industry , the music scene , punjabi communities abroad and so on . i hope you bear with me and participate on this blog .

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