Baba Banda Singh Bahadur

Baba Banda Singh Bahadur

Baba Banda Singh Bahadur was a great Sikh general who established Sikh rule in large part of Punjab. Born to Rajput parents, his childhood name was Lachhman Das. He was very fond of hunting in early life but an incident changed his entire life and he shunned the worldly pleasures to become a bairagi sadhu.   Once he hunted a pregnant deer. The dying animal gave birth to two kids who died in front of his eyes. Lachhman was shocked…

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Bhai Jaita Singh

Bhai Jaita Singh

Bhai Jivan Singh(1649-1705), was the name given to Bhai Jaita after he had received the rites of initiation at the hands of Guru Gobind Singh in 1699, was a Sikh belonging to the scavenger caste who was given by Guru Gobind Singh the epithet of ‘Ranghareta Guru Ka Beta (the young man of the Ranghar caste is the Guru’s own son. Ranghar caste was the people whose one of the ancestors was born out of…

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Jassa Singh Ahluwalia

Jassa Singh Ahluwalia

Jassa Singh Ahluwalia was born (1718-1783) at a village called Ahlu or Ahluwal near Lahore, established by his ancestor, Sadda singh, a devotee of Sixth Guru, Hargobind. Hence the name Ahluwalia stuck to him. His forefathers were kalals (wine merchants). Hence he is also called Jassa singh Kalal. However such was the admiration he won of the whole Sikh community that Jassa singh kalal came to be known as ‘Guru Ka Lal’ (the beloved son…

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