Narendra Modi visits Masdar City

Narendra Modi visits Masdar City

  The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today visited Masdar City, a planned city project in Abu Dhabi, which relies on solar energy and other renewable energy sources. At a roundtable meeting with business leaders at Masdar city, the Prime Minister made a strong pitch for investment in India, saying that an immediate potential of one trillion dollars worth of investment existed in the country. He said India now had a decisive Government with full…

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Govt seeks cabinet’s approval for amendments to GST Bill

The government is ready with amendments to the Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill on Goods and Service Tax (GST) incorporating the suggestions of a Rajya Sabha select panel, which endorsed most of the clauses in the Bill verbatim and a few with some changes. Sources said the finance ministry will soon seek cabinet approval for making amendments to the Bill, which was passed in the Lok Sabha during the Budget session and is pending in the…

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