Jagjit Singh Aurora

Better known as Lieutenant General Jagjit Singh was born on February 13 , 1916 into a Sikh family in Kala Gujran, Jhelum district, in western Punjab (today’s Pakistan). His father was though an engineer but he didn’t choose the same easy carrier for him as he wanted to be known by his deeds for his country . Jagjit Singh Aurora joined the Indian military academy and completed his graduation from there in 1939 . He was commissioned into the 1st Battalion, 2nd Punjab regiment. He was the part of world war 2nd action in Burma campaign. His decision of joining Indian army after independence and partition of India gave Indians the opportunity of adding this great name among the nation’s heroes . During Indo-Pak war of 1947 Jagjit Singh Aurora was commissioned officer of Punjab regiment . His heroic actions, intelligence and leadership got a victory for India . He sooner got the title of Brigadier . He was the part of almost all the important wars like Sino-Indian war of 1962 and the Indo-Pakistani war of 1965 . In 1969, he was appointed as General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of Indian army’s eastern command. In 1971, March, the Pakistani army launched operation Searchlight to curb the Bengali Nationalist movement in East Pakistan which led to 1971 Bangladesh atrocities . Many of the Bengali refugees were killed and the Indian army came on the front to control the situation . This resulted in the escalation of tensions between India and Pakistan . Jagjit Singh Aurora himself oversaw the improvement of roads, communications, bridges as well as movement of 30,000 tons of supply close to the border. When the war started on 31st December 1971, Aurora alone managed the military forces in battle ground in East Pakistan. He launched a four front attack with the strategy of confronting and defeating Pakistani forces on selected fronts and bypassing the others. His forces captured Dhaka, the capital of East Pakistan . Jagjit Singh Aurora’s courage and genius brain made the Lt. General of Pakistani army Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi to surrender. The 90,000 Pakistani troops were surrendered to Aurora as Prisoners of war. Pakistan lost a big part of its territory and a part of his population to newly formed nation of Bangladesh . He was honored with the Param Vishisht Seva medal and the Padma Bhushan for his important role . In 1973 , after his humongous contributuion m Aurora retired from the Indian army . Jagjit Singh Aurora was a very strong critic of the ‘Blue Star operation’. After his retirement he spent several years as the member of parliament in Rajya Sabha for Akali Dal. In every possible way he did his best for the country and its people. He was an active member of Citizen’s Justice Committee which provided assistance to victims of Sikh riots in 1984. This great personality left this world on May 3, 2005 at 89 years of age. His dedication towards his job is not only praised by the Indian government but the Bangladeshis also bestow their heads in his regard. It partly due his his major contribution that Bangladesh celebrates its independence day today .

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