Following is the Individual Profile:

Name : Brijmohan Lall Category : Businessman
Profession : Country of Residence :
Current Address : No Photograph available
Indian Address :
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Email : URL :
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Profile :
Born in a small-time business family some 60 years ago, Brijmohan Lall today heads the mammoth Hero Group with a turnover of around Rs 3,000 crore. A man of self-determination, Brijmohan Lall has become a leader in both bicycles and motor cycles segments of the market. Hero Group is the largest bicycle manufacturer in the world. Its joint venture Hero Honda with Honda Motors of Japan is the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the country, selling nearly 7 lakh bikes. The company’s sales are growing at 40 per cent, against the sector’s growth of around 20 per cent. The company’s main strength lies in the quality control of products manufactured by the group
