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Name : Pritpal singh Bindra Category : Writer
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The Author, Pritpal Singh Bindra, born at Lahore (Pakistan) in 1929, a graduate of Government College, Ludhiana and a Post-graduate in teaching of Khalsa College Amritsar moved to England in 1960 after teaching in a few schools in Himachal Pradesh and Punjab. There, in England, he taught in Secondary Technical School, Willsdon, London, N.W.10 for two years (1961-63) and, thereafter, he went into his own Insurance Business. He had a long desire to take up early retirement to enhance his literary faculty. To achieve his goals, he sold his business in 1983. Since then he has been studying Sikh Religion, Scripture and Polity. Although he has been writing articles for the weekly and monthly magazines, he was mainly busy in compiling a conceptual reference book on Sikh Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib. This 500page magnum opus, called THUS SAYETH GURBANI, containing more than ten thousand quotations from the Holy Book was published by Guru Gobind Singh Study Circle Ludhiana in 1997. It has earned the Author the coveted Akali Phoola Singh Book Award for the year 1998. During the moments of relaxation, he has been denoting his time to display his literary capabilities. `Muklawa & Other Stories’ containing sixteen short fictions was published in 1998. It had an enthusiastic reception mostly among the young Indians and Pakistanis living in the West. In the face of overwhelming demand, the Second Edition, with four new fictions has been produced in 2001 by Asia Visions, Ludhiana. He has rendered some parts of Dasam Granth into English and the books called CHARITRO PAKHYAAN (The Tales of Male-Female Tricky deceptions) and HAKAYAAT (THE PERSIAN TALES) has recently been published and released by very prominent publishers, Chatar Singh Jiwan Singh, Amritsar. He has also completed the English translations of all of the poetic works of Nand Lal Goya (contemporary and court poet of Sri Guru Gobind Singh), which is currently under publication by Institute of Sikh Studies, Chandigarh. He has more than one hundred articles to his credit which have been published in various prominent weekly and monthly magazines in the West and in India e.g. Toronto’s India Journal, Tribune, Nagara, Voice Panj Paani and India’s Spokesman, Abstract of Sikhism, Sikh Review, etc. The some significant ones are being colleted, compiled and edited by his wife Surjit Kaur shortly to be published in a book form. Currently he is busy in translating into English GURU KEEYAN SAAKHIYAN. They were written in 1790CE by Swaroop Singh Koshish,, a descendants of the bards and genealogical pundits active during the Guru Period. In his WebPage,, his grandson writes: “Once a good friend of his commented, `Considering all his varied works, one wonders how contrasting is his attitude towards life, on the one hand, going through his writings on Sikhism, people take him as the epitome of religiosity but after reading his fictions one assumes him as a great hero of romance like the prominent Urdu-writer, Sadat Hassan Mintoo.’” Socially, he has always been active in the religious and cultural affairs of his community. He has created for himself a respectable and prominent place both at Croydon, England and Mississauga, Ontario, Canada ————————————————–The Author By Simal and Harmeet
