Following is the Individual Profile:

Name : Gurdas Mann Category : Singers/Religious and others
Profession : Country of Residence :
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Indian Address :
Date of Birth :
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Email : URL :
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Profile :
The renowned Punjabi singer was born on 4th Jan 1957, in a small village Giddarbaha, near Faridkot district. Like any other normal kid , he attended school but unlike others he was gifted with good voice. And he enjoyed singing ! After completing his schooling he was sent to Patiala to pursue further studies. In this princely state he did Post graduation in Physical Education from the National Sports Institute. After the successful completion of the degree `he set out to look for suitable job . Back in Patiala , as a student , he got numerous opportunities to exhibit his talent as a singer in various youth festival organized by the university. His talent got the required push and boosting from here it self . Then inter university competition won him various awards as an actor and singer . Well , he was a multifaceted personality . He sang , did theatre and also wrote script for the plays he acted in . All the plays he wrote, contained the lyrics penned by him. He was a known face in the university and a known personality in Patiala . At that point time he continued writing and did theatre as well . In one of the plays he was discovered by a TV producer from the Jallandhar TV station for his song , that went by the name of DIL DA MAMLA HAI . The producer thought it worth a TV recording and approached him with the offer . And Gurdas Mann agreed to this , though not being apprehensive about it at first .The song went on air on 31st of December for the first time in 1980 and was instantly a hit !! His kind of music created a stir , and people took an instant liking to him . His charisma is never dead ….but grows more with time. The new breed of Punjabi pop singers have in no way affected his popularity . Infact, he has retained his personal style – that is very much a la Gurdas Mann —carrying a dafli ( musical instrument ) . Gurdas Mann talent is not limited to music only . His histronics are widely known and were lately seen -after a gap of a decade -in a soul stirring , adaptation of a true love story Shaheed -i – mohabaat . The film was set in the post independence India , immediately after partition . Mann plays a man living on the Indian side who marries the girl he saves in the riots. After a few blissful days , their happy married life is subjected to the hostile feelings of the so called claimants of religion. And his wife is forcefully sent to the other side of the border ( Pakistan ) because that is the place she actually belongs to. Torn between his wife, kid and motherland ; Mann gave a heart rendering performance and earned rave reviews .
