Following is the Individual Profile:

Name : VINOD KHANNA Category : Actor/others
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VINOD KHANNA Vinod Khanna’s roots are strongly embedded on the soil of Punjab. He hails from a family of freedom fighters who fought for the concept of an undivided, independent India. He was born of 6th October 1946 in Peshawar(now in Pakistan), in a business family which migrated from Punjab to Delhi, to settle down in Mumbai in 1947. He did his schooling in St.Xaviers High School Mumbai and Delhi Public School, New Delhi and finally passed his Senior Cambridge from the Lord Bames High School, Devlali with Honours. At the age of nineteen, while he was reading Commerce at Sydenham College in Mumbai, in his Junior year, his film career was launched with the film ‘Man Ka Meet’. Though he was cast as the villain, he was immediately catapulted to stardom as a successful male lead. Then followed a series of successes of which some are evergreen hits like ‘Amar Akbar Anthony’, ‘Qurbani’ and ‘Chandni’. He won the prestigious Filmfare award for Best Supporting Actor for ‘Haath Ki Safai’ in the year 1974. The same year he was also the recipient of the National Youth Film award as well as the Koomar International Art Academy award for Best Actor in the film ‘Imtihaan’. He also bagged the Film World Best Actor Award for his performance in the film ‘Shaque’. Mr.Khanna won the prestigious Filmfare ‘Life Time Achievement’ award in 1999 for his outstanding contribution to the film world. At the peak of his career as an actor, Mr.Khanna announced his retirement from films to pursue the way of his inner ‘self’. He pursued philosophy, religion and to attain his ‘self’. He remained away from films and fans for seven years and returned to stardom with the totality of his ‘self’. His first film production ‘Himalaya Putra’ was released in April 1997 in which he introduced his son Akshaye Khanna who today is a major star. His elder son Rahul Khanna featured in the film ‘EARTH’, bagged the popular Filmfare Best Debut award in 1999. To date Mr.Khanna has more than a hundred films to his credit and has others in the making. But his achievements are not limited only to films. After a long and on-going career in the Hindi film industry, Mr.Khanna decided to enter public service. True to his belief, he chose politics a platform to serve the humanity and joined Bharatiya Janata Party in 1997. He was fielded as a candidate by the party for elections to the Twelfth Lok Sabha and defeated the incumbent who had won for five consecutive terms from Gurdaspur. During the Twelfth Lok Sabha, Mr.Khanna served on the Committee of Public Sector Undertakings and the Committee for Urban and Rural Development. He was also nominated to the Indian Council for Cultural Relations and the governing body of the Sports Authority of India. Elections to the Thirteen Lok Sabha had put Mr.Khanna to real test. This time, despite a strong anti-wave against his party throughout Punjab, he proved his magnificent ‘performance’ during the brief stint as Member of Parliament to be elected for the second consecutive term. Mr.Khanna is active in Committee of Estimates, Committee on Defence, Consultative Committee on Communications, Planning Committee Member of Indian Council for Cultural Relations, and as Member of National Population Commission apart from serving various state-level committees. Even before his entry into politics, Mr.Khanna was actively involved in social work. A keen environmentalist and philanthropist, he is a supporter of the ‘World Wildlife Fund for Nature’, ‘Beauty without Cruelty’, CRY’ and Drug Abuse Information, Rehabilitation & Research Centre’. He was on the Committee for ‘Citizens for Peace’ formed at the time of the Mumbai riots. He has actively supported several anti-drug programmes and programmes to create awareness for AIDS. He has helped several charities to raise funds. Mr.Khanna also participated in the development of the famous Priyadarshini Park in Mumbai. For his efforts, he received the ”Outstanding Citizen Award’ from the North Bombay J.C.’s. Mr.Khanna has served on the Industries Committee and been the Chairman of the Performing Arts Committee of the Indian Merchants Chamber. He has also served on the Traffic sub-committee of the Western India Automobile Association. An avid sportsman, while in school and college he represented his school and college in almost every sporting event. At school he was Vice Head Boy, House Captain, Football Captain, Cricket Captain and Boxing Captain. As a conscientious citizen, with the honour of being one of the highest tax payers of Mumbai City for the financial year 1990-91, Mr.Khanna was even awarded the Giants International award in 1987, as well as the Lions Club award in 1991 for exceptional services rendered to society. He has received many awards Mr.Vinod Khanna endeavours to serve mankind and his nation in the best way he can…
