Following is the Individual Profile:

Name : Avtar Lit Category : Journalists/Media
Profession : Country of Residence :
Current Address : No Photograph available
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Date of Birth :
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Profile :
Born in Punjab, India. Arrived in the UK in 1962. He produced a two hour television programme called ‘Asian World’ in 1977 on the cable Network and has been a pioneer of Asian broadcasting with Sina radio on Southall followed by setting up Sina Radio International in California. He also published a newspaper on the west coast of America. Returning back to the UK once again, he spearheaded the campaign for an Asian radio network which was finally licensed by the British Government in April 1989. Out of this rose the most successful UK station under the banner of Sunrise Radio with a target reach of 1.7 million. Chief Executive of Sunrise Radio, London; Managing director of Bradford City Radio, West Yorkshire; Member, Radio Academy, UK; Director, West London TEC; Chairman, National Association of Radio Development.
