Following is the Individual Profile:

Name : Jagjit singh Category : Singers/Religious and others
Profession : Country of Residence :
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Indian Address :
Date of Birth :
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Email : URL :
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Profile :
Jagjit Singh is indisputably one of the most talented artists of India. He was born on February 8, 1941 in Sri Ganganagar in Rajasthan, India. He received his musical training from the honorable Ustad Jamal Khan, and gained early recognition from his recordings at HMV and EMI India. In 1976, he and his wife, Chitra Singh, released The Unforgettable Ghazal collection. This album set new sales records and has been followed by numerous ghazals as well as devotional/religious albums, all of which have become classics. Jagjitji’s work has created a renewed interest in the art of Ghazal poetry and performance and has been heard in films and television releases. He has received several awards from both the music industry and from state governments, attesting to his popularity. In addition to cultivating his own successful career, Jagjitji has been involved in guiding many new talents such as Talat Aziz and Vinod Sehgal. He is also active in several philanthropic endeavors such as the Library at St.Mary’s, Bombay Hospital, CRY, and ALMA, an organization whose focus is to adopt students for further education and development. Jagjit Singh currently resides in Bombay.
